
Unlock Orion Data

Drive Growth and Efficiency

Rev up your operations with accurate, clean, and timely access to your Orion data for real-time data access, seamless analytics, and streamlined workflows.

Pain Points

Limited Data Insights

Lack of access hinders strategic insights.

Client Service Delays

Restricted access leads to service delays.

Reduced Operational Efficiency

Limited access slows operations.

Inefficient Data Integration

Integrating data becomes challenging.

Error-Prone Tasks

Manual processes increase the risk of errors.

Compliance Difficulties

Restricted data access complicates compliance.

Inadequate Risk Management

Full data access is essential for risk management.

Our Solution


Unrestricted Data Access

Faster Processes

Real-Time Insights

High-Impact Work

Seamless BI Integration

No Coding Required


Starter Package

Professional Package

Enterprise Package

Custom Solutions

Small RIAs or new firms
Mid-sized RIAs
Large or complex RIAs
RIAs with unique needs
Basic Redshift setup, limited dataset access, standard reporting capabilities
Enhanced Redshift setup, access to a wider range of datasets, advanced reporting and analytics tools
Complete Redshift setup, full dataset access, custom reporting, and analytics solutions
Tailored Redshift solutions based on specific client requirements, integration with existing systems, and custom data analysis tools
Standard business hours support, access to online resources
Extended support hours, dedicated account manager
24/7 premium support, dedicated account and technical team, strategic consulting
Bespoke support package, including onsite visits and training sessions

How to Get Started?

Create AWS Account



Set Up Cluster in AWS

Orion Onboarding Process



Data Share Acceptance

Dataset Access and Query Setup



Review Training and Setup Articles

Frequently Asked Questions

We specialize in customizing and optimizing the Redshift Data Share for RIAs, offering tailored analytics and reporting tools that align with your specific business needs.
Absolutely, our team provides comprehensive support and user-friendly tools that simplify data analytics, making it accessible even for RIAs with minimal technical background.
Absolutely, our team provides comprehensive support and user-friendly tools that simplify data analytics, making it accessible even for RIAs with minimal technical background.
We offer bespoke solutions ranging from basic setup and reporting to advanced analytics and integration services, all tailored to meet the unique demands of your RIA firm.
We prioritize the highest standards of data security and compliance, incorporating robust encryption and privacy measures to safeguard your data.
Our firm offers detailed training sessions, webinars, and dedicated customer support to ensure seamless adoption and effective utilization of the Orion Redshift platform.
Leveraging our dual expertise, we provide solutions that not only enhance data management but also align with the financial and regulatory complexities unique to RIAs
Begin by reaching out to us directly. We’ll guide you through the process of setting up an AWS account, integrating with Orion’s Redshift Data Share, and tailoring our solutions to meet your firm’s specific needs.
Our packages range from Starter to Enterprise, each designed for different sizes and needs of RIA firms. We can assist you in choosing the most suitable package based on your firm’s size, data requirements, and specific goals.
For more detailed information about our services, visit our website or contact us directly. We also offer webinars and personalized consultations to help you understand how our solutions can specifically benefit your firm.

Case Studies